Affinity Groups

NASW-VT welcomes member participation. The following is a list of our active affinity groups and what the goal of each group is. Please email our Executive Director, Lynn Stanley to learn more about how you can participate in an affinity group.

The Events Calendar will have the most up-to-date information on affinity group meetings.

Board Executive Committee

The Executive Committee provides guidance to the Executive Director between Board meetings, develops the agenda for the Board meetings, and reviews preliminary budget and other financial proposals. They meet at the discretion of the President, usually quarterly.


  • Lisa Avery, MSW - President
  • Kelli O’Neill, LICSW - Vice President
  • Annemarie Conlon, PhD, LICSW - Secretary
  • Angela Paoli, LICSW - Past President

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is now a combined effort between the VT, NH, and ME Chapters entitled "NNE Ethics Forum". Join us for our quarterly collaboration where you can ask your ethical concerns and participate in hypothetical-scenario roundtables. Ethics CEUs may be available. Find when the Ethics Forum meets next on our Events Calendar!