Advertise to Vermont Social Workers
Reach over 2500 social workers and allied professionals across Vermont with your employment opportunities, professional development programs, or office space availability
Advertise a text-based ad for 90 days
Advertise with your graphic(s) on our website
$100 advertising graphic on our website for 60 days- choice of page excluding homepage
$200 advertising graphic on our home page for 60 days
additional $100 for a rotating gallery of 1-3 different graphics
Email Blast
Have your flyer reach the inbox of over 2500 social workers and allied professionals
RATE: $75 per blast
Bundle and Save
$150 for one email blast and your 100 word maximum ad on our website for 90 days
Have other ideas to reach Vermont-based social workers?
We'd love to hear them! Contact us to explore conference or networking sponsorships, newsletter ads or other opportunities: